Sunday, September 26, 2010

Puppies, oh puppies!

I love my little pupper duppers :)


Jessie said...

I <3 my puppies too... MOST of the time!

Rachel said...

I love it that they share a bed!

Nikki* said...

Haha, I know how you feel Jessie!

The only reason I have the bed for them, is to keep their toys in.. so it makes me laugh everytime they try to sleep in there. I've never used it as a bed for them before, so it's funny they know was it really is :)

Lynsie said...

Super cute!! And man how did he get way up there in your closet?

Nikki* said...

Thanks! lol that was my husband's doing. He claimed she was annoying him, and apparently that was a fix to the problem? Don't worry, I rescued her right after I took the picture!