It's Friday morning, I'm at work by myself and I realize that there's a loooot of stuff floating around my head.. so what better way to get it out, than to blog?? :)
Joe's been laid off for 5 months now, and just recently (I'd say the past 2 weeks, maybe a little longer) he's been doing some construction work in the cities.. for CASH! So it's been sooo nice knowing thatwe have just that little extra bit of money. And now the beginning of this week another place called and wanted to hire him for a month or so, also working for cash! AND he just got an interview at United Gear, so it finally seems like things may be falling into place. Thank heaven! :)
It's been really hard on me with him not working. I'm very irritable and we fight wayyy too much. And I shouldn't lie and say it's because he's not working, the main reason is I'm extremely jealous of this girl that he's friends with. It's pretty much the same fight over and over again. And I hate it, because I realize how difficult and stupid I'm being even at the time, but I can't help it :( So we've really been trying to work on that, and I'm happy to say that things have been much, much better. :)
More exciting news.. we're getting a pool! Joe's mom had some problems with their deck foundation out back so she took down the whole deck and decided she didn't want the pool anymore either, so we got to take it! We've talked about getting a pool ever since we bought our house, but it always seemed too expensive and maybe too much work? But we are getting the pool for free, we're doing the work all ourselves, and Joe's mom gave us all the pool chemicals she had left (about a years' worth). So we're not even out much money! Then I think when Joe gets paid from these couple jobs he's been doing (hopefully a little more than $1,000) we're
finally going to build our deck. It was a tough decision for awhile.. do we pay off credit cards with the money, or do we do something for ourselves?? But we've wanted a deck for sooo long, and we're going to need some sort of a deck for the pool.. so it seemed like the right thing to do :) We just got the pool liner in the mail yesterday, so now all we're waiting on is a free day and people to help! Hopefully this weekend, or next?!
What else have I got to say?? Work still sucks 90% of the time. They're letting us hire a part-timer, which is awesome.. I just wish they'd hurry up and hire someone!
FINALLY Football season again!! I wonder how I survived 7 months without Football!?! Very excited for the Viking's first preseason game tomorrow! GO VIKES!! :) :)
I'm very thankful for the rainy summer we've had. It's been so good for our little pine trees we planted this spring! Granted, we could have done without the torrential rains and 90mph winds some days (even thought they were fun to watch, lol), but the rain itself was nice to have!
We still haven't been able to get pregnant :( I told myself it was a good thing, because of Joe's unemployment right now.. but it's still hard. We both want it so bad. Everyone keeps telling me that it will happen when it's meant to happen.. but if we both feel like it's meant to happen
now, then why hasn't it?? :(
Well it's starting to get busier at work now. Hour and a half down.. 9 to go.
Happy Friday everyone!